How to Stay Away from Peer Pressure

I looked outside my room window just in time to see my dad pull into the garage, I wasn’t quite ready for what I wanted to tell him but I felt the urge to tell him to get the students at my school off my neck. Lost in my thought, I did not realize the time my dad came up to my room to greet his little princess (me😉) but instead of me to greet my dad, the next thing I realized was that I told my dad I needed a phone. On hearing my words, my dad was shocked not only on my request but also with the high pitched tone I used to demand for the request (my dad knows me very well and he knows I don’t shout or scream without been angry or without having something in my mind that I just can’t let out). He said okay to my request and went off to his room. Dinner came and we ate together at the table in an abrupt silence just me picking at my food then once a while realized my dad was looking at me but I didn’t bother looking at his eyes. Later in the night, my dad came up to my room, sat down on my bed, studied me very well then asked me if I had any issue going on with me which I responded with a no but I guess the no and my facial expression didn’t give the same meaning so he kept on asking me and reassuring me that I could trust him. Realizing that he wasn’t going to stop until I tell him what was wrong I found myself telling him about what have been going through in school among my classmates and even those I call my friends and how I stopped going outside because of the same thing. I told him how my peers come to school with their new mobile phones given to them by their parents and others afforded it themselves but I don’t have one and because of that they use it to mock me calling me all sorts of names and intentionally flaunting their phones around if am anywhere close by. I ended up not having friends because I didn’t have a phone😔 so they believed I didn’t belong therefore during lunch am left to sit at our usual spot alone while they go dine with the ones that had phones so they could talk on what and what to do. Some people keep telling me to get a phone that I am the only one that doesn’t have one which was kind of true but am not so sure that am the only one that doesn’t have but the annoying thing was the fact that we didn’t need phone for any school activity. I have a laptop and I was okay with that but because they want to open all sort of social media app, snapping pictures inside class and to belong to the cool kids, they made phone a necessity.

    It wasn’t until I stopped talking that I realized I was actually crying and sniffing in my dad’s hands and also as though a load had been lifted off my shoulder after talking about how am made to feel. My dad was trying to take in and fully understand everything I said and when he was done, the first thing he said was “Do you understand what peer pressure is?”  I answered him with a no that I don’t then he said to me “listen attentively to my following words and take down any points if you want to”  I nodded in response to what he said and below are some of the points my dad shared that night. He said……………..

    “Peer pressure is the direct influence on people by peers, or the effect on an individual who gets encouraged to follow their peers by changing their attitudes, values or behaviors to conform to those of the influencing group or individual. Peer pressure is common especially among teenagers and youths. Most times, you are been pressurized into doing something that you normally won’t accept to do but because you don’t want to be called any names or look ‘uncool’ before them, you succumbing to doing just that. Most times they don’t even pressurize you but because you see them doing it and it looks all normal you also decide to try it out that is what we call ‘Peer Influence’.

We have two type of Peer Pressure which includes: Negative peer pressure and the Positive peer pressure. But let’s take a look at the negative peer pressure which is the common type.

Negative peer pressure as the name implies is not a good type of behavioral display gotten from one’s peers. It is either you are forced or you decide to try cause you see it been done almost everywhere.

Peer pressure can cause us to make certain choices whether to do drugs, have sex, steal something, drink alcohol, involve in fraudulent acts or cheat.

Often, peer pressure isn’t always the fault of the individual it’s just the effect of having low self-esteem, wanting to fit in or wanting to have a sense of belonging among peers. Other causes of peer pressure could include: fear of rejection, avoidance of bullying, improvements of coolness (to be liked and accepted among peers), bad parenting etc.

Effects of Negative peer pressure are:

  • Changes in performance at school
  • Changes in attitude
  • Bullying
  • Anorexia: this is a lack of appetite for food
  • Radical activities: affecting one’s normal activities
  • Drug use
  • Accident: Because of the influence in which pressure as taken its toil on someone, it could results in accident or suicide.
The Dangers of Peer Pressure | Arizona Addiction Recovery Center

Solutions to Negative peer pressure:

  • School classes to address this topic: schools should educate school kids about peer pressure and how it could impact their current and future life.
  • Parents should build self-esteem in children
  • Increase of tolerance in our society
  • Changes in our value systems
  • Parents should observe changes in their kids’ behavior
  • Support children to find their passion
  • Educate children about the consequences of drug use

Peer pressure can’t be stopped but it can be curb and it starts with you and I. Avoiding pressurizing someone in doing something that isn’t generally accepted also avoiding peoples’ negative influence is also good.”

Teaching Teens About Peer Pressure

“Now do you still want the phone?”, my dad asked instantly i said “No dad, am good as I am don’t need any distraction”. “What about the kids in school?” He inquired “Common on dad,🙂 trust your little princess I will stand up to them and probably lecture them on peer pressure” I hugged me dad thanked him then he tucked me into bed. “Goodnight papa sweet dreams” “ Goodnight my Angel”. I smiled thinking of what awaits me tomorrow. Night off

That’s all for today guys 💖

Thanks for reading through hope this help..🙂 Don’t forget to like, comment, share and turn on post notification🤗

Still your favorite girl *ennie*


Published by eniola96

Position myself to always hear so I don't write my words but the utterances He gives to me. I am Abba's Orator❤🔥

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