Gathering crowds or having friends?

Check your circle; there are some people you need to drop!It is not everybody that you should call ‘friend’ – it is not everyone around you that is your friend!I was opportune to be at Upper Room Abuja on the 14th of April and while Min. Dunsin and Pastor Iren spoke, few things caught myContinue reading “Gathering crowds or having friends?”

Forgive and Forget: how feasible?

Too many times we have heard someone close by saying the phrase ‘forgive and forget’. As a matter of fact, we have either at one point or another said it to someone else or it has been said to us. I pondered deeply as I sat on the white chair on row 2 and listenedContinue reading “Forgive and Forget: how feasible?”


Five words so easy to say but so difficult to live by and act on without asking 101 questions; forever humans… Amidst the chaos and troubles going on, there is always this one request at the back of everybody’s mind which is requesting for His Will to be done. More often than not, this WillContinue reading “LET THY WILL BE DONE….”

We are all seeds…

On Wednesday, everyone present for BHUSF (student fellowship in school) by 6:30pm were assigned group and group leads. We were going fishing. Announcement was made that anyone that wasn’t bold enough to talk to others should move to a certain part of the chapel. Looking up the ceiling and down, I knew this was anContinue reading “We are all seeds…”

The Journey So Far

Looking back, I would have assumed I should have passed the stage I am in right now. Trust the Father that I have. Every step matters and He will make sure you learn properly before you rush into something (for those that are intentional about following His way). Three (3) years is not a joke.Continue reading “The Journey So Far”

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