Five words so easy to say but so difficult to live by and act on without asking 101 questions; forever humans…

Amidst the chaos and troubles going on, there is always this one request at the back of everybody’s mind which is requesting for His Will to be done.

More often than not, this Will is bigger than what we propose and we find ourselves asking so many questions just to be sure that the Will is working for us.

I have a friend who was in a serious mess in school. We went praying one day and when it was as though I had reached my climax, I asked Hotspot for His will to be done in that situation. But a silent question popped up: what if it is my will for the punishment to take place, will you people be able to endure? I was taken back and started pleading not to allow the punishment to take place as that was our own will. Another question popped up: what if it is through this punishment that my Will, will be done and I will exalt this person higher, can’t there be endurance? The thought of having to go through the whole procedure before there will finally be glorification of His name came running through my mind and I just was not myself. Regardless, we publicly declared that His Will be done because only He sees the end from the beginning.

I can remember writing and exam and failing it twice! Yo!!! I failed twice!!! Words could not describe how I felt😪. How Lord?😔 I remember questioning Hotspot every single time. What had He allowed that to happen? Despite how I prepared for this exam, how excited I was writing the exam a second time because I knew I was ready to smash and how I actually wrote the exam (and this time, I knew I wrote well) yet, the result was not any better. That period of waiting was a tough one but eventually, I saw what He did there. The bigger picture started becoming clear and I could see for a certain why He allowed what happened to happen. Thinking on it now, I have no regret rather I saw the ‘failure’ as a stepping stone to a place I never imagined.☺🤗

The truth is a lot of people do not understand the power backing up these words. Once there is an utterance from the depth of your heart that ‘Let Thy Will be done’, you are saying ‘I surrender all, I have no power on my own, I cannot do this alone, I need you and I have no intention to stand on the way of your Will’. You are simply subjugating your own will or desire in order to act according to God’s Will and follow His plan instead.

There are times that evil happens and we find ourselves questioning if that was His Will. Let me point it out that even though it’s not what God wants, He allows us to make those choices. Prior to that evil occurrence, what were the choices making like? Did it even involve Hotspot? Hotspot will always find a way to bring us out of that situation even though there are consequences attached but we need to know how to enquire from Him first and stick with Him regardless of the troubles that springs forth.

2023 has come to an end and we are now in the New Year but permit me to ask; did you allow His Will to be done in the situations you found yourself in the previous year or did you take matters into your own court?

2024 is a year to do better and allow Him to take control because you know that once you are on His side, challenges will come, troubles will knock but you are sure that you have a big support on your side therefore you will win no matter how long it takes for that battle to be over.

Still your favorite girlll Ennie 🧡 xoxo

Published by eniola96

Position myself to always hear so I don't write my words but the utterances He gives to me. I am Abba's Orator❤🔥

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